- May 30, 2024: V17N1 of Journal of East Asia and International Law will be published.
- May 10: President Eric Yong Joong Lee delivered a special lecture at Dalian Maritime University, China.
Professor Un-chan Chung, ex-President of Seoul National University joined the Institute as a Senior Advisor.
Dr. Unchan Chung, an eminent economist was born in Korea and graduated from Seoul National University. He continued his studies at Princeton
University where he received his doctorate under the supervision of Professor Dwight Jaffee.
Dr. Chung has been teaching economics at Columbia, SNU and LSE for most of his life. While serving Seoul National University as the President
between 2002 and 2006, Professor Chung committed himself to restructuring the university as a highly advanced global research institution.
In addition, during his presidency, he made a focused effort to allow for a greater number of students from diverse regions in Korea to attend SNU.
As a true Keynesian, his current concern is to establish a general theory to explain post-Korean War economic progress. Professor Chung is recognized as one of the most highly respected intellectuals of our time.